Our Blog
2023 Weight Management Goals
Written By: Courtney Buck, MS, RDN, LD Let's talk about Weight Management Goals Hello 2023! We have all had a couple weeks to settle in and get the date right. But every year around this time we...
Caffeine and Exercise Performance
Written By: Julane R. Contursi, MS, RDN, LD Let's talk about caffeine Caffeine, an often-criticized component that is consumed in many forms (and can be categorized into food, dietary supplement, or...
Is Your Lack of Sleep Keeping You from Achieving a Healthy Weight?
Written By: Abby Jellinek-Johnson, MS, RDN, LD, CLT When we think about weight loss, we typically start thinking about changing two things; improving our diet and embarking on an exercise program....
Intermittent Fasting 101
What is Intermittent Fasting? Also referred to as IF, intermittent fasting is not a diet. Instead, it's an eating plan based on consuming food, and, then, fasting over specific predefined periods....
Dietitians Order, Get Your Fiber
Written By: Lina Abuhamdieh MS, RDN, LD, CLT We’ve all heard how fiber helps keep us regular and that it is good for our digestion. While we are told to “eat more fiber”, sometimes we don’t know how...
Is Food Making You Sick?
Ever wonder why onions make your spouse gassy, but you digest them just fine? Or, why red wine gives you a migraine but a martini does not? Or, why your grandmother thinks corn makes her arthritis...
Picky Eater
Is there a picky child in your life? You know, the one who survives off nothing but Goldfish and PBJs? If this sounds familiar to you, we have some tips on supporting your child in trying new foods....
Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility
If you’ve ever shared a meal with a child, you likely understand the mealtime stress that can happen for both kids and caregivers. Parents don’t want to be short-order cooks, but want their kids to...